About Milestone™

MIlestone Cards

At Milestone™ we believe in the value of memories. The journey started in Netherland when the founder, Gemma, wanted to capture the first time her son Mikkel rolled over. She wrote a card, added the date, and took a picture of her son with it. She did the same when he slept through the night, crawled, ate his first solid food, etc. Realizing how precious those pictures were she turned her idea into a product: Baby Cards by Milestone™. 

Today, Milestone™ has grown up with many different designs, has been sold over 40 countries with new parents enjoying our products every day. Milestone™ will keep going, with a new managing team, as the brand is now part of a French company.

PS. Feel free to share your family journey with us on Facebook and Instagram. We love seeing your memories and feel proud of the contribution we made to capturing those special family moments. They are what matters in the end.’’  

Productcategories of Milestone

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